What sport is better to bet on?
So the question arises – maybe they are doing something wrong or betting on the wrong events? Are there sports that are more likely to make a profit from betting? Why do professional gamblers choose smolmarkets?
The answers to these questions are in the article!
Probability Theory

The world of sports is the most unpredictable thing. Even a complete outsider in a sporting event can unexpectedly beat the clear favorite due to the concurrence of circumstances and various factors. Therefore, when betting in a bookmaker’s office, you can never be 100% sure that they will play.
The theory of probability is everywhere, including in bookmaking bets. And only at a long distance one can judge the effectiveness of betting of a particular player, in which case the probability is reduced to a minimum.
The possibility of winning the underdog is always present. Otherwise, there would be no point in the bookmaker’s work. Events that could be predicted for sure would bring regular profits to the bettor, and the office would eventually go bankrupt. The reality is that quite often events with odds of 1.3 and below do not play, due to which the compiled expresses of beginners lose. It is possible to increase the efficiency of betting not by choosing the lowest odds, but by choosing the most suitable sports and markets. Here, you should not follow the general rules and trends, but only your own preferences and skills.
How many outcomes to bet on?
Most sports matches can end with two or three outcomes. In the classic version there are two options for the end of the meeting – the victory of the first or the second team. If the meeting can end with a tie, then a draw is added to the line. One or the other option is true for every sporting event. For example, in basketball or tennis, there is no such thing as a draw, because even if the score is tied, overtime will be played. In soccer or hockey friendlies, on the other hand, the game can end in a tie.
Some novice bettors think that it is necessary to choose the events with the least number of outcomes. In fact, this approach is erroneous, because the bookmaker’s office in any case has its own margin, no matter how many options for the end of the meeting may be. Therefore, if only two variants are possible, the odds on these markets will be minimal. But with the addition of a draw result, the odds for each of them will go up. Therefore, do not choose events according to the principle of minimum results, and pay attention only to the sports you follow.
Betting on a player or a team?

There is an opinion that betting on an individual sport is better predicted than on a team sport. That theory is backed up by the following argument: One single player is much easier and quicker to analyze than an entire team. It’s hard to argue with this, yet we see as many sensations in individual sports as we do in team sports. This is due to the fact that one person can get injured, feel bad, or psychologically break down, resulting in a deterioration in his game. In team sports, in case of such problems, the athlete is simply replaced by a substitute.
This situation can be taken advantage of when betting on outsiders. Knowing that in individual events sensations happen more often, it is possible to bet on the underdog with high odds. Again, you should be guided by your own knowledge of a particular sport.
Size of markets
Many bettors try to bet on popular championships and well-known sports teams. Such actions are explained by the better predictability of such events. Indeed, large, regular competitions rarely offer surprises, unlike little-known championships. Nevertheless, the experienced private bettors prefer to bet on less popular sports and championships. The fact is that in such events, the bettor has chances to gather more information than the bookmaker. Consequently, to predict the outcome will also be easier. And the European Football Championship, or the NHL matches are so thoroughly analyzed that it is simply impossible to beat the professionals from the bookmakers’ offices.
Bookmakers insure for this case, too – they increase the margin on little-known events. From the standard 3-5% this figure can go up to 10%. However, even with lower odds a bettor in a small market has a much better chance to win than in popular markets. Naturally, it is necessary to be aware of all the nuances of the upcoming match. The more information, unknown to the bookie, you gather, the greater the chance of winning.
Nevertheless, small markets have a significant disadvantage – there are a lot of them, but the regularity of the matches leaves much to be desired. Therefore, even if you manage to study in detail the championship of the 4th league on women’s soccer in Kuwait, you will not be able to earn much on it, since the event is very rare. It is also not possible to analyze every small market – it would take too much time. In addition, the less experienced and successful teams, the more surprises you can expect from them.
So, to increase the efficiency of betting in bookmakers’ offices, you should not focus on the sport, its popularity, the number of players in teams, or the number of outcomes. It is possible to win on any market and on every competition. The main condition is excellent knowledge of the selected championship.